Join the Community
Activating the Sisterhood

To "BE the change you wish to see in the world ", you MUST take care of YOU!
How Goddess Living Community Membership supports You

Ongoing Learning
Weekly, through LIVE interactive meetings, speakers and informative emails, you will be invited to explore, in depth, an aspect of Goddess Living. Topics such as saying yes/saying no, mother’s guilt, self forgiveness, women’s intuition and boundary setting... to name a few!

Embodiment Practices
You will receive emails and special class opportunities related a simple physical practice designed for you to expand your health, elevate your physical awareness and experience the embodiment of your unique Goddess-ness. Safe for women of ALL physical fitness levels!

Heartfulness Meditations
Access to meditations and practices that facilitate the exploration of your emotional and heartfelt experiences.
Women are emotional creatures, let's use it!!

Women's Health
Women’s health is UNIQUE. An email will come to your inbox with articles, practices and advice on how to take care of your health. Information from experts that is specifically tailored to a woman’s physiology.

A Supportive & Sourceful Community
Exclusive access to LIVE interactive sessions with the Goddess Guides and other members each month. Private Facebook groups to network, share and explore Goddess Living with other women.

Exclusive Partner & Product Discounts
Women supporting women. As a member, you will save on services and products from our Goddess Partners. From coaching on how to overcome your Imposter Syndrome to special herb mixes that support you through the monthly hormone swings (Bitch Blends)!
Are you ready to live your Goddess life?
There is a Goddess in EVERYwoman EVERYday but she can be hard to find and even harder to maintain in modern times!
Goddess Living means living to your strengths, living as if you matter, being awake to your inner power source. Goddess Living aims to explore and discover the unique qualities of the feminine perspective and how that view impacts our sense of self, our value in society and our power to effect change.
Join a community of women committed to empowering each other, elevating the value of the feminine and diversity in our culture, while building a network of inspiring and powerful sisters of many backgrounds.
Join the Goddess Living Membership Community
Cancel Anytime
Want to GIFT a membership?
Email us and we will contact you to set it up for your friend or loved one! [email protected]
Everything shown above and more specifically …
Our monthly LIVE Goddess Odyssey program on Zoom where we explore relevant topics and tools all designed to nurture and support you in your Goddess-ness Quest. While we are passionate about LIVE sessions with real people, everything is recorded so you can participate with anything you are not available to attend LIVE or you can go back and hear a session again.
Our membership web portal will give you access to all of it anytime!
In addition, you will get an email each week with a new exercise, mediation, health tip, recipes and more to support you to create healthy and nurturing habits.
PLUS whatever surprises we dream up as we go along!
If you decide the Goddess Living Membership isn't for you, then you can cancel your subscription renewal at any time. Canceling the Membership renewal prevents your payment method from being charged again when your monthly or annual subscription ends.
You’ll continue to be able to access and benefit from the Membership (including the private group) through the last day of your subscription.
NONE … Technically speaking!! It’s a way of being in life, living from the knowledge that YOU are a precious and sacred being. Living from your unique gifts and self expression, requires you take care of YOU.
However, we know Goddesses are in HIGH DEMAND these days so we have curated the material we provide to take an average of 1 hour of your time per week. Time for you to learn, exercise, process your emotions and NURTURE yourself.
Women often let us know they do not want to be part of a "man bashing" network ... well neither to do we!! The aim of our inquiry is to explore and elevate the feminine side of the equation. To learn to access and use what is considered the feminine qualities we all embody to better care for our selves and elevate the regard for these qualities in our societies.
We assert that when women and feminine qualities are empowered and engaged, when women are living as full and equal partners, the whole of society succeeds.
Men and the masculine show up as the best of themselves when the feminine is present. In fact, ask the men in your life what they would think about you focusing on your femininity. You will be surprised by the answers .. or maybe you won’t. ;)

Anne Peterson, Founder & Goddess Guide
Whether you think you're a Goddess or not, OR if the word Goddess freaks you out, it’s a sure sign this community may be for you!
We are not endorsing a specific definition of Goddess or even what is feminine for that matter. Rather, we are building a community to explore the notions of femininity and Goddess-ness in us ALL!
If Goddess Living piques your curiosity and you would like to find out more ....
Click below to schedule a time with me and we will explore together if this is the right community for you.
~ Anne