More on Intuition

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Recently, we spent a month looking at intuition, what it is and what it isn’t.  We learned the different responses or reactions that we may mistake for intuition and how to listen and figure out what is the true voice of intuition / our soul.    Read HERE to learn more about that.

Let your intuition be your guide...  

We all have intuition. Yes, I know that is hard to believe for some of us who have given up on ever getting intuitive “hits” that we hear people talk about.  Or, there are so many inner voices speaking to us that we don’t know which one is our intuition, our soul, speaking.

Some people find it easy to listen and know what it is saying.  Others of us seem to be able to listen to our intuition in some situations and not others.

But here’s the thing… your soul/intuitive voice is actually always there and speaking to you.  It’s just there, available to tune into it at any point, at any time, and in any situation! We do need to ask the right question though… So, what do you really want to know?

A recent guest speaker on Goddess Talk, Jennifer Urezzio, gave us 5 ways to get more comfortable with our intuitive voice, and receive that guidance.  

Below is a synopsis of the 5 ways Jennifer gave us written by our freelance writer, Safiya Robinson. 

Five ways to tune into your Intuition...

#1.  Learn to recognize and distinguish voices.

With so many influences over the years, we can sometimes question whether it is our soul’s voice we are hearing, or if it is speaking at all. But the soul is always saying more, more, more - and our human mind hears and interprets that voice through layers of pain and programming. But the voice of the soul is always peaceful, never fearful, and not burdened with story - just very clear. So listen for the voices, and their tone and cadence. Do they sound like a parent? A friend? These are the layers that can sometimes mask our intuition, and once we understand this, it's easier to focus on the true voice of our soul. It is also important to understand the language that your soul uses to connect to you, which is where the next step comes in. 

#2.  Ask the number 1 question and keep a journal.

Practice is key in improving anything - including hearing and distinguishing your soul’s voice. One powerful practice for getting clearer on that voice, your intuition...  start asking daily “What do I need to know today?” and keep a journal of what comes up. When you come back to your journal at the end of the day, you can see what happened through the lens of the soul’s wisdom.  You can start to see and understand the language your soul uses to connect.

#3.  The soul speaks through your senses. 

While we are talking about the soul’s voice, the soul also communicates through our body and our 5 senses. The more we tune in, the more we begin to understand the physical sensations associated with our soul speaking to us. A full body yes could be a tingle or goosebumps. And remember if it isn’t a full body yes - it’s a no!

#4.  Understand that intuition sees a bigger picture

People sometimes feel they can't trust their intuition - they may have listened to it and the result wasn't what they expected. So it is important to understand that the soul sees the bigger picture, and something that may not feel like a good experience in the moment may be good in the long run. However, to increase trust, it helps to ask the right question. One way of phrasing the question is:

“Is it in the greatest good of all for me to… And will that.. (result)”

Remember, your soul will never lead you down the wrong path. Tuning into your intuition will have you taking more action from your soul than from fear.

#5.  Daily hygiene

There are great daily hygiene practices to use if your energy gets caught up in the energy of others.  This can be a contributing factor that makes it hard to hear your intuition or your soul’s voice. It is a good idea to set boundaries so that you don't pickup other people’s energies. Another daily hygiene practice is to clear your energy daily.

These 5 ways to tune into your inner voice, intuition, and soul can make all the difference in growing your ability to listen and act in ways aligned with your soul and purpose.

BONUS:  If you want to listen to the whole talk given by Jennifer...The LINK to listen is below.  NOTE... this audio is the raw, unedited version. It's like you are really there!  🙂

Goddess Talk with Jennifer Urezzio audio LINK.

About the author

Susan Bouet

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We are building a community of women who are ready to explore the unique qualities of the feminine.

  Our community of women are committed to taking care of ourselves, empowering each other, elevating the value of the feminine and diversity in our culture, while building a network of inspiring and powerful sisters of many backgrounds.
